Info and contacts


Commercial area
Telephone and Whatsapp: +39 348 685 1418

Technical area
Telephone and Whatsapp: +39 370 3634822
(N.B: enter the prefix +39)

Important note on technical advice
Advice will be provided exclusively on the iáomai app. In case of problems to your device like lack of updates, Forgotten device or operating system passwords or internet connection problems the advice will be delegated to your trusted technician so that the device is ready to accommodate the installation and operation of iáomai.

Company information

iáomai is a brand of Corpo Mente Spirito
Company name: Corpo Mente Spirito di Iallonardi Christian
Registered office: Via Madonna del campo, 24 - 12011 Borgo San Dalmazzo (CN) ITALY
VAT Number 03997200047
Fiscal Code LLNCRS74M04F351Y
Unique code (Italy): USAL8PV

Registered in the Register of Companies C.C.I.A.A. with the number of REA: 329283

© Copyright 2024 - All rights reserved
iáomai is a brand of Corpo Mente Spirito
P.Iva: 03997200047
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