For Foot Reflexology
Discover the areas reflected on the sole of the foot and study the treatment procedures.
$ 5.39 / month
$ 2.70 / month
Learn how to revolutionize study and work
Maximum versatility in anatomy visualization with r anatomical levels and selection of elements. With 3D viewing you will have a precise idea of the location of points and meridians.
The AnatomyMap package is included inReflexologyMap
Barbara Milanesio
Herbalist and Naturopath specializing in Foot Reflexology and Bach Flowers.
Access to insights on:
- Theory of Reflexiology
- Anatomy of the foot
- Working technique
- Equipment and areas
8 protocols of treatment
Treatment techniques
Treatment schemes
Visualization of areas in 3D
Easy access to all content with specific search tools
Choose app color, dummy skin and card position
An interative agenda is ready to use to manage your notes
Manage treatment cards and create an archive of your patients' treatment cycle. Enter your medical history, symptoms, areas, and photographs to get a general picture. At the end of the cycle, print the report and graphs of your symptoms.
...with your customer archive
Treatments with date, description and treated points
Direct connection to the dummy
Custom annotations on points
Up to 15 patients are included in the package. For an unlimited number of medical records and treatments see also the Medical file
Iáomai apps are interconnected in a system where each user can also share their own content with others. Working and studying together has never been easier!
Other users are already waiting for you,
and what are you waiting for?
Unique license for PCs, tablets and smartphones
Webapp: the online software
Development and support team
Unlimited updates
You can install the App on PCs, tablets and smartphones and with the webapp you use it online even without installation. Your data will be shared on all your devices, with a single password.
Iáomai can also be used online, that is, it does not need to be installed on the device.
To view the webapp correctly, some minimum system requirements are required:
- an Internet connection
- a device (PC, tablet or smartphone) connected to the Internet
- a browser for internet browsing
- activation of Javascript on the browser
The iáomai" team is constantly working to keep the application up to date, in content and functionality.
This is an important prerogative that allows us to constantly offer the best possible product. For this purpose, feedback from users is essential, which with their requests and reports allow continuous improvement.
AcupointsMap¹ was born from the needs of users interested in having a versatile and useful tool for their work.
With the license of iáomai, you will be able to download all structural updates, bug fixes and basic content for free.
If there will be paid implementations, you will be notified with a message in the App and via Email and you can choose whether or not to buy them. The basic features purchased with the main license will be retained forever on your devices and in the online version.