The iáomai project


Iáomai is an ancient Greek word that means "remedy a disease with medical or medical treatment", including for us in a broad sense all treatments aimed at restoring health and balance.


Iáomai is a platform that aims to produce support tools for study and work for students and health and wellness professionals. Through the creation of apps, services, websites and dedicated support, we build a digital system in which users can study, work and exchange information.


Let's imagine a future in which specialists, teachers and students are involved in the common goal of building a system of shared knowledge intended for the care of the person. A system in which rivalries between disciplines are overcome and indeed all compete together in the search for a therapeutic and multidisciplinary unit.

Consultants and sources

The philosophy behind Iaomai's project is the collaboration with experts in the field to which we turn.
For us it is a fundamental and essential rule, which arises from the most serious intention of wanting to propose a highly professional product that is up to the needs of our customers.
To achieve this goal, we use the constant scientific advice of highly qualified professionals and at the same time taking into account all the suggestions and advice that our users have communicated for years.
Without their contribution, Iaomai would never have become as advanced and precise as it is today.
Aware that the result obtained is only a starting point, we are constantly looking for new consultants, industry experts and enthusiasts to continue to build an increasingly efficient system in order to facilitate healthcare professionals and holistic.

For us Collaboration is synonymous with Family.

Who we are

Christian Iallonardi

Concept, software, web, comunication and 3D graphics

Since childhood I was passionate about Human Anatomy, Art and Artificial Intelligence.
Today, in parallel with a personal artistic journey, I love to invent new things and build interactive computer systems and tools. Among the countless ambitions of adults is to create something that others can use to simplify and increase their productivity. iáomai is in part a synthesis of this path and my passions.

Luca Doglione

Concept, training, communication and sales

Thirsty for knowledge and always attracted by the bioenergetic world, after some experiences with Tai-Chi, Kung-Fu I was struck by Shiatsu and Zen philosophy. They say of me that I have an excellent communicative ability, attitude that I decided to apply in the project iáomai.

Roberto Crispo

Project Consultant and Testing

Shiatsuka, passionate and curious, goes in search of new paths and new why.
His idea of well-being sprouts in the project "Zen Shiatsu Campania". Imagine the Shiatsu treatment as a tale of a story, which refutes the idea of well-being in modern Campania Felix.



A look to the future

For us iáomai is not a point of arrival but a starting point! We are already working to develop other thematic maps dedicated to Plantar Reflexology, Auricolotherapy, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Cupping Therapy, but still the iáomai Accademy in which all professionals can share their knowledge through educational videos in a dedicated channel, the iáomai Class Room where teachers will have the opportunity to interact directly with their students in a virtual group without limits...

Would you like to collaborate with us in the realization of a project or just have a great idea from suggest us?
You are part of an Academy or Institute and would like to personalize Iàomai according to your teaching needs?
Then contact us!
iáomai Team is at your disposal to listen to any proposal that can make the platform grow together.

Special thanks to: Giorgio F. Ch., Vincenzo Ar., Maurizio Sc., Francesca Br., Claudio Sa., Andrea Bo., Nicola La., Marco Co., Raffaele de Co., Lorenzo St., Nello Ve., Michele Se., Michela Tr., Dario Ru., Stefania Be., Livia Bi., Alberico Ro., Giammaria Ca., Simona Ta., Franco Za., Tommaso D'O., Carlo Fe., Matilde Na., Emmanuel Du., Nino Gi., Tiziana Ca., Paolo Ca., Sandra De., Giordano Orsi Laura Me., Claudio Be., Roberto F. Cr., Giuseppe Or., Irene Gi., Roberto Ta., Doriana Ma., Stefano Mi., Ines Al., Pietro Za., Renato Mo., Davide Ma., Andrea Br., Giorgio Mo., Massimo So., Paolo Ri., Andrea Br., Alberto Ab., Roberto Mo., Cristiano Fe., Laura M. Ta., Beatrice Ra., Cosimo Ga., Gian P. Pe., Marco Gi., Luigi La., Cristina Co., Francesco Ar., Fabio Bo., Elide Po., Luca De Vi. Desy Va., Laura Pa., Francesco Ma., Yuri Gi., Barbara Pi., Monica Ca., Domenico D.Aq., Riccardo Ba., Francesco Ve., Irene Ri. who with their support have made possible the start of this project.

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© Copyright 2025 - All rights reserved
iáomai is a brand of Corpo Mente Spirito
P.Iva: 03997200047
APOS - Associazione professionale operatori shiatsu FISIEO - Federazione italiana shiatsu insegnanti e operatori Shiatsu France Shambala Shiatsu - Scuola di shiatsu Scuola Shiatsu Namikoshi Roma Centro Shiatsu Daniele Giorcelli Accademia Naturopatia Ippocrate
GMT2000 - Forniture per agopuntura AIRAS - Associazione italiana per la ricerca e l'aggiornamento scientifico Long Dao Accademy Vivere Zen - Arredo bio SIRAA - Società Italiana di Riflessoterapia, Agopuntura e Auricoloterapia TaoLab - Tradizione del massaggio Cinese per una nuova forma di benessere